Motivational Posters


Motivational Posters for Just a Little Inspiration
(yet another bit of the site still in progress) hehehe

When I'm doing my integrating ICT 'motivational speaker' show I throw in a few quotes I've taken inspiration from over the years.

Feel free to print out these posters and put them up where they might challenge or motivate staff. They might even help get yourself motivated.
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motivational poster
motivational poster
Don't Complain... Think Then Act - An excellent poster for the people around you that tend only to complain. (or yourself) lol

I Can't - Yet - Train your staff or students to use this one. I makes work a whole lot more pleasant.

reading games
motivational posters

motivational poster

Pre-Planning Prevents Poor Performance - Yep... it really does help a lot of the time.

Don't Do It Better. Do it Different! - This is a saying that I use when trying to get people to come up with creative solutions.

motivational posters

motivational posters

Beware Pointless Busy Work - Go on. Dare to name it!

Worksheets - Here's a thought for you and a few at your school :)

motivational poster
motivational posters

Child to Love - This is one to hang in the Staffroom.

Lifelong Learning - Don't just pay it lip service. DO IT!

motivational posters
Judge a Person by their Actions - Not the words they use.  
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Come Check Out Our New and Improved Site. It will save you heaps of preparation time & the students will love the games.


All About Symmetry adrian bruce