Symmetrical Quilt Patterns




Online Symmetry LessonsSymmetrical Quilt Designs & Patterns Using Dot Paper
Online Symmetry Lessons Online Symmetry Lessons
Lines of Symmetry = 2 - Rotational Symmetry Order 2

Lines of Symmetry = 2 - Rotational Symmetry Order 2
Lines of Symmetry = 2 - Rotational Symmetry Order 2
Lines of Symmetry = 2 - Rotational Symmetry Order 2
Lines of Symmetry = 2 - Rotational Symmetry Order 2
Many cultures design their own quilts.

Quilt Challenge - Using dot paper design your own bedspread.

1. Lightly draw a horizontal and vertical line in the middle of the page.

2. See if you can create a beautiful pattern that is symmetrical by using flips, slides and turns.

Hint - Do the same shapes 4 times in each rectangle. But be careful. It is a little trickier than you might think.

NB If you do this activity on square paper you can create a design with 2 lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 4.

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