Crossword software, crosswords, crossword puzzle maker,

Crossword Software Pic
Some Tips and Tricks

Dear World,

I've been using this piece of crossword creation software for a few years now. It is so easy that the students can use it themselves to create puzzles to help them with their spelling and comprehension skills.

Ideas for the activities:

Have the children create a crossword puzzle:

* from their spelling words.
* on vocabulary associated with an area of study
* at home using this software with a parent or carer
* on a story or novel they are reading
* for their friends to solve
* for another class in the school
* as a learning centre activity

Tips I've Discovered Over the Years:

* Have the children compose their clues in a word processor and use the spell check. Once this is complete copy the clues into the crossword creation software. You'll save heaps of hassles this way :)
* Load this software onto school computers and have an icon on the desktop for all staff to see.
* When stuck making up a clue, suggest the students use a dictionary for hints.
* Have a class focus on types of questions that require one word answers.
* Set a word limit ie Your puzzle must contain at least 10 clues or words and no more than 15.
* Have the students print out the answers to make marking easier.
* Search the web for 'printable crosswords' to give the students a standard to model their work on.
* compose a puzzle together on a data projector or interactive whiteboard to model the process.
* Have the children decide on a crossword puzzle made with this software that can be printed in the school newsletter or uploaded to the school Intranet or Internet site.
* Have a friend read the puzzle onscreen before printing to spot simple errors.

Crossword Creation Software

Download it here.

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