Google Earth Plug ins - See 'Space Junk', Latest Earthquakes, The World's Volcanos & Voyages of Scientific Discovery

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Google Earth & Data Visualisation

Summary: Google Earth has the ability to plug in real time and historical data so that your students can visualise and appreciate concepts in a new way. You do this by downloading KML or KMZ files and then opening them in Google Earth.

Here are my latest favourite Science data visualisation files.

Satellites / Space Junk - There are currently about 12 000 space objects orbiting the Earth. Of these objects about 3 000 are functioning satellites but the rest is debris. This 'space junk' consists of retired satellites and rocket bodies left over from earlier launches. I find that people don't really get a feeling of how much junk is up there until they see this visualisation.
Satellites & Space Junk
The Voyage of the Beagle - One of the most famous and controversial voyages of all time. Step through the voyage through extracts from Darwin's diary.

Voyage of the Beagle

International Space Station & Hubble Space Telescope Locator - Where are the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope at the moment? Watch these spacecraft orbit the Earth in real time and where they have been in the last hour.

I love leaving these files on so the students can appreciate the nature of orbits as well as the relative speed of each orbit.

Investigation: How can we work out if this software is accurate enough to use it to let us know when the Space Station is visible to us here on the ground?

Hubble Space Telescope Position

Volcano of the World - Find the locations, interesting facts and photographs of all the world's volcanos. You might be surprised how many there are.

View the Outbreak and Spread of Epidemics - e.g.H1N1 (Swine Flu) - Avian Flu

Infant Mortality - An Earth overlay that compares infant mortality rates throughout the world.

Latest Earthquakes - Download the file for the last 7 days and you can explore the location of earthquakes, their magnitude and the plate boundaries. I find that students gain a new appreciation for how often earthquakes occur on our planet when you explore this file over a couple of weeks.


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