Problem Solving software is a fantastic way to teach thinking skills and co-operative group skills

Zoombinis - A Great Way to Teach
Problem Solving Strategies

Mathematics Software


Dear World,

If I had only enough money in my budget to buy one piece of software this would be it. Zoombinis is a logical problem solving game based on analysis, synthesis, guess and check, trial and error, failing and succeeding.

There are 3 versions of the game. The Zoombinis Logical Journey, Zoombinis Island Odyssey and Zoombinis Mountain Rescue. Sometime software distributors have deals going where you can buy all three titles.

Tips and Tricks:

- put 2 children on one machine to take advantage of the powerful problem solving situation
- discuss the problem solving methods required at each level
- learn the software along with the children. You don't have to be an expert.
-encourage a 'thinking culture' in the class where children share their expertise by 'giving hints' not directly showing solutions.

I've had a great deal of luck finding books, DVDs and software
through if you can't find it locally :)

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