Printable reading game - When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking. Ideal for Special Needs Students

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- Two Vowels Go Walking

Summary: An engaging printable game for students which aims to raise their awareness of the phonics rule, 'When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking…most of the time'.

Phonics Game

Two Vowels Go Walking

Phonics Game Preparation:

Print the cards, laminate them if possible and cut them out.

How to play:

1. Two, three or four players sit so they are facing each other.

2. Select a dealer to shuffle the cards and give five cards to each member of the group, including themselves.

3. Place all the remaining cards in a pile face down in the centre. Next flip one card off the top of this pile and place it face up next to the stack.

4. The dealer reads the card by pronouncing the sound of the letters marked in orange and then the word e.g. If the card is 'feed' the dealer says, 'ee' like in feed' . If the card is 'dream' the dealer says, 'ea like in dream'.

5. The children then look at their cards and take their turn moving to the left around the circle. If they have cards with the same sound as the one turned over by the dealer they can place one on top of the pile by saying 'ea like in each'.

6. If they do not have a match in their hand they pick up a card from the face down pile. If the card they pick up is a match they can put it straight down, if not, they place it in their hand and the next player has a turn.

7. If the player does not have a match but has a CHANGE card in their hand they can change the sound being matched i.e. if say they had the cards 'drain', 'frail' and 'brain' they would place down their CHANGE card and say "I'd like to change it to 'ai' like in brain'".
All the following players must match for 'ai'.

8. The person who is the first to have no cards left is the winner.

NB The power of this game as a learning tool comes from having the children say 'ai' like in 'snail' when playing. Please ensure they keep doing it throughout the learning sessions.


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Two Vowels
Walking Game

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