Interview with Jackie French

Interview with Author Jackie French
When our class went to the Byron Writers' Festival we had the opportunity to ask the well known Australian author Jackie French a few questions...

Jackie, what inspires you to write books for children? 

Well, children's  responses to books are so genuine. They either love it or hate it and like that.

Hi Jackie, Jackie French

How did you approach writing the novel 'Cafe on Callisto'?

Actually, the inspiration comes from where I live. Everyone there grows their own food and tries to give it away when it all ripens.
Sort of like the people on Callisto. 

In your career so far, what book that you have written has given you the most satisfaction.

Definitely 'Walking the Boundaries' because I used to live on a farm and we always used to walk the boundaries.

Jackie, on your website Jackie French
what did you mean by, ' ...the worst part of being  a writer is that people give me spoons.'?

Chuckle, chuckle... when I speak at places people used to think a beautiful set of spoons in a box would be a great gift for me.
But there are only so many spoons one can use... and they were the type of spoons that would break when you stir a cup of tea.

Jackie signing things for us

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