Valley of Bones - A Children's Book Review

Valley of Bones

Valley of Bones Cover

The 'Valley of Bones' is a well-written mystery narrative set in the outback of Queensland Australia.

The two main characters, Lachlan and Tara, stumble across a rare dinosaur fossil and once a paleontologist and a mining company executive meet, the story gets a lot more interesting.

We feel that the main characters are believable and that Gary Crew has crafted an excellent piece of fiction. He has also thrown in a few things that caused us to wonder and want to find out more about prehistoric times.

Our class thinks that you'll need to give a lot of thought to the narrative's ending as all is not what it seems. The ending should leave you asking a few questions about the original fossils sent to the museum.

A very good and interesting read.
We rated it 4 stars out of 5.

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