Rowan of Rin Book Review

Rowan of Rin

Emily Rodda's narrative"Rowan of Rin" is essentially a story about a boy who overcomes his fears.

The story takes place in a fantasy world where Rin is the main village. 

The main crisis comes when Rin's water supply dries up, so a group of villagers set out on an incredible journey to conquer the mountain and get the water flowing again.

Be prepared for magical creatures, unexpected events and an incredible climax.

The dragon of the mountain

Rowan of Rin is a well written book filled with positive messages.
We feel that it will appeal to those who love adventure stories
and crave surprises, twists and turns.

Most of our class really liked the book and we have rated it four out of five stars.

                 a stara stara stara star

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