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Examples of Onomatopoeia

Examples of Onomatopoeia – a collection of words to demonstrate onomatopoeia. Your students can use it for reference & inspiration when writing.


Examples of Onomatopoeia

Read this Words Aloud for Fun

When introducing onomatopoeia it is a great time to discuss how so many English words ‘sound like’ the sound they are describing.

Students really enjoy making the ‘sounds’ of these words… and often loudly.

Animal Sounds – bark, baa baa, bark, bow-wow, buzz, cheep, chirp, cluck, cuckoo, flutter, gallop, growl, hiss, howl, moo, meow, neigh, oink, purr, quack, quack, roar, squeak, squeal, tweet, woof, yap,

Crowd Sounds – cheer, clap, boo, roar, gasp,

Cooking – sizzle, bubble,

Human Noises – achoo, ahem, belch, chatter, crunch, flick, giggle, hiccup, huh, hum, itch, kiss, mumble, phew, shush, slurp, sniff, snort, tsk, ugh,

Loud – bam, bang, bash, boom, clang, ding dong, hack, pop, smack, vroom, whack, wham, whizz, zoom,

Mechanical – honk, beep-beep, beep, boing, boink, bonk, clatter, cock a doodle do, click, clack, clunk, ding, fizz, flush, honk, ping, snip, ratchet, ticktock, twang, zap, zing, zip,

Nature Sounds – crackle, drip, flutter, gurgle, rumble, rustle, splash, squish, swoosh, whoosh,

Noises I Hate – screeeeeeeech, 

Quiet Sounds – whisper, tinkle, shhh

Research and discuss other words ‘sound like they are written’.