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Online Art Lesson – Tints

Summary: This art lesson aims for students to explore the effect of adding white to colors.


Art Lesson for KidsOnline Art Lesson - TintsColors Mixed With White

Online Art Lesson - Tints

About this Art Lesson

This is an Art lesson I have used many times over the years to brighten the classroom right from the start of the term. The added bonus offered by this lesson is it ensures all students are on the same page when it comes to discussing color in future lessons e.g. tints, primary colors, secondary colors, warm colors & cool colors. 

Creating the Artwork

1. Draw a series of lines on a blank page with chalk. Be sure to include a vertical, horizontal, diagonal, zig-zag, curved & swirly one.
2. Join the lines to each other and to the side of the page to create closed shapes.

Art Lesson Idea - Tints

Discussion Starters with the Color Wheel

  • What are the Primary Colors? Why are they called this?
  • What are the Secondary Colors? I find demonstrating the mixing of Primary (first colors) to form Secondary colors useful. Make sure to discuss what color you started with and the color you ended up with as a memory tag for Art vocabulary development.
  • The ‘Warm Colors’ – – Colors on the wheel from yellow to red-violet are generally considered warm. Why might that be? Think of the color of sunsets. Think of how we show something is hot. What other examples can you think of where these colors are used to show warmth?
  • The ‘Cool Colors’  (from yellow-green to violet). These colors often go together very well and are used to suggest warmth or coldness.

Tint Demonstration

My experience has been that most students will start with a color like blue and then add white to it to make tints.Online Art Lesson - Tints
I like them to experiment with starting with a blob of white and then gradually add blue to it. This way they experience a very light blue and work their way to a darker tint. Give it a try and see how you go. 

Back to the Artwork Creation

3. Experiment with tints and paint the colors produced into the closed shapes. The most challenging part of this activity is having the students achieve the gradual gradation of almost white through a light color to a darker tint.

4. Once dry, overpaint the yellow chalk with black lines to make the colors pop.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use controlled brushstrokes to get a good covering Online Art Lesson - Tints
  • Use a variety of colors
  • Try not to place the same colors next to each other.
  • Always try to be creative and not boring. (Just like everybody else hehehehe)