Addition Game - 'Doubles' is an Addition Game for Learning Essential Number Facts in Mathematics - A Great Maths Lesson -

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Doubles Maths Game

Summary: This maths addition game is a fun maths lesson that teaches the Doubles Addition Facts. These number facts are essential for efficient mental computations. This addition game aims to make the learning of these number facts a more enjoyable.
The aim of the indoor or outdoor game is to encourage 'automacy' in the recall of basic addition facts.

In my classrooms I do a lot of work on the need for efficiency in doing mental computations. We aim for, 'SEE IT, SAY IT'. This addition game offers heaps of opportunity to discuss 'efficient' number strategies. It also demonstrates that those who use efficient strategies will do better at the game.

Remember to play safe!

Addition Math Game

Extension Idea - Calculators make for extra fun when playing this addition game as the children are amazed that most people can 'Beat the Calculator'!

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What to do:

1. Draw the addition game grid on concrete using chalk. Each square should be about 30cm by 30cm.

2. Two players stand with their feet in the large feet facing the addition game board.

3. A 'Caller' asks a question from one of the cards.

4. When a player has worked out the answer they must jump from their spot onto the correct answer. Do not move until you know the answer.

5. Players then rotate positions but the winner stays to compete with next player.

NB The object of this addition game is to have a bit of fun while you learn your addition facts. So make an effort to learn your 'Doubles' facts while you're standing in line.

Addition Game Download

Addition Game - Doubles
Word Version - 367k
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