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Homework Idea – Aboriginal Astronomy

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Australian Aboriginal Astronomy

What Are the Stories?

Science Lesson - Astronomy 2

The Aboriginal people have inhabited Australia for between 40 000 and 120 000 years. During that time a rich heritage of Story developed around the stars of the southern sky.

So why do many only teach a Northern Hemisphere / European view of the constellations? Let’s teach our students some of the stories that have been told across the land for thousands of years.

Possible Tasks

  • Create a comic strip of an indigenous culture’s view of a constellation of celestial objects. This Aboriginal Astronomy site will help the Aussies.
  • Invite a local elder to tell traditional stories of the stars. Have the students create comic strips of these stories if it is permitted by lore.
  • Encourage the students to find their own source of the stories.
  • Read the story of the Emu in the Sky.